Kybella Houston, TX

Offered at our convenient location in Houston, TX

Kybella Houston. TX

A youthful, defined chin and jawline are part of classic facial beauty. Sadly, as you age, the jawline loses its definition, with fatty deposits developing beneath the chin. In Houston Kybella is a revolutionary non-surgical injectable treatment that can restore a jawline definition by melting away fat deposits below the chin.


There was a time when the only treatment available for jowls and a double chin was a lower facelift or liposuction, both of which required downtime to recover.

While a facelift is often appropriate for those with extreme skin laxity, Kybella is a groundbreaking treatment for submental fullness or a double chin. Kybella is the first injectable treatment of its kind, designed to treat submental fullness and restore the elegant contours of the lower face.

The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid.

Deoxycholic acid occurs naturally, used by the body to metabolize fat. When injected into the chin area, Kybella destroys the outer membrane of fat cells, leaving the remaining fluid vulnerable. Your body then naturally absorbs the cells through its natural processes. As the fat is absorbed, the double chin will slowly begin to disappear. Once the fat cells in the area are destroyed by Kybella, they do not return, and the results following treatment are long-lasting.


Kybella offers effective treatment for submental fullness without the need for surgery or liposuction. Treatment with Kybella has many benefits, including:

  • Non-invasive
  • No downtime
  • No surgery required
  • Long-lasting results
  • Restores jawline definition
  • Restores self-confidence

Ideal Candidate

Kybella is ideal for people who want to reduce chin fat non-surgically. Pregnant or breastfeeding women will have to wait to have Kybella. In addition, if you have an active skin infection, bleeding disorders, certain cancers, or known allergies to the ingredients in Kybella, you may not be a good candidate for submental fat reduction. Your Houston Med Spa provider at TCPS can let you know if Kybella is right for you at your consultation.


Treatment with Kybella is fast and easy, similar to treatment with other cosmetic injectables.

We can administer an anesthetic to ensure your comfort during treatment if you so desire. Then, we will administer between 20 and 30 small injections of Kybella in a grid pattern in the fatty zone.

The entire process is completed in less than 30 minutes, while you relax in our luxurious Houston facilities. Multiple treatment sessions may be needed to achieve optimal results. A series of four to six sessions may be required, performed at one-month intervals.

Why Choose Dr. Sukkar?

Kybella Houston. TX

Dr. Sam Sukkar is a board-certified Houston plastic surgeon who is known for bringing the most innovative techniques and procedures to his discerning clientele. He has a reputation for putting the needs of his patients first.

He is known for providing personalized, calm, compassionate care. His exquisite surgical technique and a keen eye for facial symmetry and beauty make him one of the most sought-after plastic surgeons in the Houston area. If you’re ready to be free of a double chin without the need for invasive surgery, contacting our office is the first step.


No downtime, so you can return to your daily activities. Side effects such as swelling, tenderness, skin redness, and bruising may occur after your Kybella treatment. However, these effects are generally mild and temporary.


Beautiful stunning results with no downtime. It takes around 12 weeks to see the full effects of Kybella. Therefore, multiple treatments may be needed to achieve your desired result. The number of treatments depends on the amount of submental fat. In clinical trials, 59 percent of subjects had a total of six Kybella treatments to achieve their cosmetic goal.


A slimmer chin profile can be yours at The Clinic for Plastic Surgery Med Spa in Houston. To learn more about how a Houston Kybella treatment can reduce double chin fat, book your visit to our new Med Spa destination in Clear Lake by calling (281) 819-1147 or use the booking link on this page.


is there any recovery following treatment with kybella?

Since treatment with Kybella is non-invasive, you can return to your normal activities as soon as you leave our office. You may experience redness, swelling, bruising, or numbness at the treatment site. These reactions are normal and should subside within one week. After Kybella Houston patients often feel comfortable attending social functions the same evening they receive treatment. As Kybella begins to dissolve your fat cells, you will start to see a new profile emerge. Your final results will be fully visible four to six weeks following your procedure.

is kybella painful?

Kybella is minimally painful. To make your treatment more comfortable, your injection specialist may apply ice or numbing cream upon request.

is kybella permanent?

The results of Kybella are considered permanent as the treated fat cells will not come back. To maintain your results long-term, it is important to commit to a healthy lifestyle to avoid future weight gain in the chin area. Kybella may be repeated if needed.

how effective is kybella?

A single treatment reduces double chin fat by up to 25 percent. Most people have up to six treatments spaced a month apart for optimal results.

i have a special event coming up. when should i book my appointment for kybella?

If you have a special occasion coming up, you will want to book your initial appointment several months in advance. It takes up to six treatments to get the most benefit from Kybella. With that said, a single Kybella treatment provides up to a 25 percent reduction in double chin fat, so it is never too late to get started! Please allow up to 12 weeks for Kybella to work.

are there any other treatments for double chin fat?

Absolutely. Our founder at The Clinic for Plastic Surgery Med Spa, Dr. Sam Sukkar, is an award-winning Houston plastic surgeon who offers neck liposuction as an alternative to Kybella. Submental liposuction is a surgical procedure that can eliminate chin fat without anesthesia in just one visit. Learn more about face and neck liposuction in Houston.