Face & Neck Liposuction Houston, TX

Offered at our convenient location in Houston, TX

Face & Neck Liposuction Houston, TX

A delicate liposuction procedure can transform your face. In addition to creating a chiseled and defined appearance, it can make you look years younger by eliminating heaviness that has developed due to the natural aging process. A double chin can be a significant source of self-consciousness as it can make you appear heavier or older than you are. Excess fat in the neck can be next to impossible to resolve with diet and exercise. As we age, cellular changes cause metabolism and collagen production to decline, paving the way for pockets of fat and less youthful contours. Neck liposuction is an effective and permanent solution to excess fat in the neck, offering patients a sculpted appearance and a more defined chin and jawline. The board-certified surgeons at The Clinic for Plastic Surgery offer some of the best neck liposuction Houston has to offer to help you take pounds and years off your appearance.

Before and After Photos


  • Eliminate an unsightly double chin
  • Improve the appearance of heavy jowls
  • Establish more attractive facial contours
  • Create a more defined and contoured jawline
  • Restore a youthful overall look that takes years off your appearance
  • Eliminate sagging skin on the neck
  • Sculpt a slender and more refined face

As we age, fatty deposits tend to accumulate on the chin, neck and jowls, creating an older and less vibrant overall appearance. When this occurs, face and neck liposuction with Dr. Sukkar can eliminate the unwanted volume and restore your refreshed and youthful look.


Your face and neck liposuction will be performed in our Houston office under local anesthesia, which means you’ll be awake and able to move around, but you won’t feel any pain or discomfort. To begin your procedure for face and neck liposuction Houston plastic surgeon, Dr. Sukkar, will inject a special tumescent solution into the fatty areas of your face and neck to block pain and minimize post-operative bruising. From there, he will make a very small incision underneath the chin and behind each earlobe.

Through those openings, he will gently move a micro-cannula back and forth to break up and eliminate any excess fat. Once Dr. Sukkar has removed all of the unwanted fat and sculpted a youthful and defined face and neck, he will close the incisions carefully to ensure any resulting scars are practically invisible to the eye. You will then be sent home immediately to begin the healing process.

Ideal Candidate

Face & Neck Liposuction Houston, TX

Unwanted fat on the face and neck can create an older, less attractive and undesirable cosmetic effect. And unfortunately, this excess volume tends to develop due to congenital factors and the natural aging process, so it’s not responsive to diet and exercise.

When this occurs, a gentle face and neck liposuction procedure may offer the perfect solution. To be considered an ideal candidate, you should be close to your ideal body weight, because any substantial fluctuations will impact your final look. You should also possess good skin elasticity and muscle tone, as these features will allow Dr. Sukkar to sculpt the best possible outcome.


Your neck liposuction is minimally invasive and requires only local anesthesia, so you won’t have to worry about feeling sick after your procedure.

Your surgeon will inject the targeted fat with a tumescent solution to reduce discomfort during your surgery and minimize bruising afterward. Your surgeon will then make tiny incisions on the underside of the chin and behind each earlobe through which they will insert a very small cannula. Carefully moving the tool back and forth, your surgeon will break up the targeted fat, sculpting more defined and attractive contours. Lastly, your surgeon will meticulously close your incisions to prevent visible scarring, leaving behind results that look beautifully natural.


Face & Neck Liposuction Houston, TX

There is a very light and easy recovery period associated with face and neck liposuction. In fact, many of our Houston face and neck liposuction patients are able to return to work and their normal daily routines within 24 hours.

In most cases, you’ll experience very minimal discomfort and virtually no pain, and any swelling will be minor and should disappear within three days. In the meantime, these effects can be easily managed with over-the-counter pain medication and ice packs. Throughout the first two days after treatment, you’ll also need to wear a special compression garment to hold your skin in place and ensure optimal results once the area has fully healed.


You will realize your full neck liposuction results within just one week of your treatment. With the permanent removal of excess neck fat, you can expect your youthfully sculpted results to be long-lasting. However, while your contours will remain permanently improved, the remaining fat cells will continue to change with weight change. Therefore, you can best maintain your results with a healthy and active lifestyle.


If you’re ready to learn more about face and neck liposuction, we invite you to schedule a consultation at The Clinic for Plastic Surgery today.

During your private consultation, our Houston face & neck liposuction providers will carefully assess the areas you’d most like to address, before creating a custom treatment plan designed just for you.


Do I need to do anything to prepare for my surgery?

For two weeks before any surgical procedure, you should avoid any substances that may thin your blood and increase bleeding, including certain medications, supplements, and smoking.

Will I have loose skin after my neck liposuction?

Since liposuction reduces the volume of fat within the neck, patients who have a large amount of fat removed or poor skin elasticity may experience some sagging after treatment. However, your surgeon will discuss this with you during your consultation as well as options to prevent or treat this condition, should it occur.