Facial Fat Transfer Houston, TX

Offered at our convenient location in Houston, TX

Facial Fat Transfer Houston, TX

There are a variety of factors that contribute to the appearance of age in the face. For example, age-induced cellular changes cause the body’s natural collagen production to decline and youthful volume to diminish. As a result, you might experience increased fine lines, wrinkles, deep folds, skin laxity, and areas that appear hollow or sunken. Fat transfer is an all-natural alternative to dermal filler injections that effectively restores lost volume to smooth wrinkles and reduce the appearance of lax skin. When performed by the skilled and experienced surgeons at The Clinic for Plastic Surgery in Houston fat transfer to the face delivers natural-looking and long-lasting results.

Before and After Photos


If you decide to move forward with your fat transfer, the procedure will be performed in the comfort of Dr. Sukkar’s Houston office.

To begin your fat transfer Houston plastic surgeon, Dr. Sukkar, will perform liposuction on another area of your body – such as the abdomen, buttocks or thighs. He’ll use a very gentle approach to avoid damaging the fat cells, so they can be used for the transfer. This portion of the procedure will be performed under local anesthesia, so you’ll be awake but unable to feel any pain in the treatment area. Next, Dr. Sukkar will spin the fat cells in a centrifuge, separating them from the liquid. He will then remove the damaged fat cells and preserve the whole ones for the transfer.

Once the fat cells have been isolated, Dr. Sukkar will inject them into the target areas on your face, such as your cheeks, chin, lips and forehead. This is a highly strategic process, and Dr. Sukkar will carefully place the injections to create the precise contour you desire. This portion of the procedure will also be performed under local anesthesia, to ensure your complete comfort. Once the injections are finished and your youthful volume has been successfully restored, you will be able to return home to begin the healing process.


  • Improve the appearance of laugh lines, nasolabial folds, and other areas lacking volume
  • Eliminate hollow areas underneath the eyes
  • Establish a more beautiful and symmetrical nasal contour
  • Sculpt full and sensual lips
  • Create a contoured jawline
  • Add volume to the temples
  • Restore a more youthful neck
  • Sculpt a stronger, more prominent chin
  • Fill in certain scars
  • Restore beautiful balance and harmony to your face

If you’re interested in rejuvenating your facial appearance, but you’re not quite ready for a facelift, a fat transfer in Houston with Dr. Sukkar may be your ideal solution. It involves removing unwanted fat from another area of your body, and using it to restore youthful volume and attractive contours to your facial features.

Ideal Candidate

You could be an ideal candidate for fat transfer if you are healthy overall and interested in restoring your youthful fullness or enhancing your features in your face naturally. You should be willing to follow your surgeon’s instructions for your procedure and recovery and feel excited to ultimately realize your best possible results.


You will receive local anesthesia for your fat transfer, so you won’t need to worry about side effects that can occur due to general anesthesia.

Facial Fat Transfer Houston, TX

Your surgeon will harvest the fat from either your abdomen, thighs, or buttocks using liposuction, gently removing the cells to avoid damaging them. Next, they will place the harvested tissue in a centrifuge to separate the cells from any fluid suctioned out with the fat. Your surgeon will then remove any damaged cells to ensure that only healthy cells are injected into the target area. When the healthy cells are ready to be injected, your surgeon will meticulously administer your fat into the treatment area to achieve your desired results, and ensure you recieve the best fat transfer Houston has to offer.


Facial Fat Transfer Houston, TX

Your fat transfer will be associated with a fairly easy recovery period. Most of our Houston fat transfer patients are able to return to their normal daily activities within an hour or two, however we do recommend taking at least four days off from social interactions.

During this time, you will likely experience some swelling and very minor bruising, though it should disappear very quickly on its own. In terms of results, you will see an immediate visible improvement right after the transfer, and your results will continue to progress as the swelling subsides. The results are intended to be permanent, so you can look forward to enjoying your youthful and glowing facial appearance for years to come.


If you’re ready to learn more about facial fat transfer, we invite you to schedule a consultation at The Clinic for Plastic Surgery today.

During your private meeting, our Houston fat transfer providers will carefully assess the areas you’d most like to address, before creating a custom treatment plan designed to sculpt the exquisite appearance you deserve.


Can your body reject fat transfer?

No. Because the process utilizes your body’s natural tissues, there is no risk of reaction or rejection associated with fat transfer.

What should I do before my procedure?

You should avoid any substances that could thin your blood and increase bleeding or bruising. These include certain medications, herbs, vitamins, and smoking. You should also arrange for someone close to you to drive you home after your treatment. While fat transfer does not require general anesthesia, you may not feel up to driving immediately after your surgery.