Chin Augmentation Houston, TX

Offered at our convenient location in Houston, TX

Chin Augmentation, Houston TX

A well-proportioned chin can promote definition and harmony throughout the face, complementing your other facial features. Chin augmentation can effectively correct the appearance of a recessed chin, undefined jawline, prominent nose, overly angular or square chin, or an unbalanced facial profile. By improving facial balance and harmony, not only can you improve the overall appearance of your face, but you can enhance the appearance of your facial features as they look like they “fit” within the context of your face better. The board-certified surgeons at The Clinic for Plastic Surgery offer the expertise and experience to provide you with a beautifully natural-looking chin and increased facial accord with chin augmentation in Houston, Texas.

If your chin is too small in relation to your other facial features, it can detract from your innate attractiveness. When this occurs, a chin augmentation with Dr. Sukkar can enhance your chin and jawline, restoring impeccable balance and harmony to your face.

Before and After Photos


Your chin augmentation will begin during your pre-surgery appointments, when Dr. Sukkar carefully evaluates your facial anatomy and determines the precise size and shape of your ideal chin.

From there, he will create a custom implant to be placed during surgery to enhance your chin and improve your overall facial appearance. The actual procedure will be performed under general anesthesia, which means you will be completely unconscious and unable to feel pain throughout surgery.

To begin your procedure for chin augmentation Houston plastic surgeon, Dr. Sukkar, will create a precise incision, either underneath the chin or inside the mouth, depending on your unique needs. He will then insert the chin implant, ensuring it is perfectly balanced with your other features and creates the precise cosmetic outcome you’ve envisioned. Once the implant is in its proper location, Dr. Sukkar will suture it in place and send you home to begin the healing process.


Just as overall balance enhances a piece of art, so does balance affect the face. With a single, localized procedure, you can achieve a comprehensive improvement in your face’s appearance.

  • Correct A Recessed Chin
  • Soften An Overly Pointed Or Square Chin
  • Balance Out A Prominent Nose
  • Create A More Defined Jawline
  • Sculpt A More Attractive Facial Profile

Chin augmentation offers patients the remarkable ability to address mildly bothersome concerns in other areas of the face, simply through the application of improved proportion and definition. With substantial improvement in your face’s overall appearance, you can expect a significant boost in self-esteem and general confidence so you can face the world free of the self-consciousness of a disproportionate or undefined chin.

Ideal Candidate

Chin Augmentation, Houston TX

Chin augmentation is an excellent treatment option for non-smoking men and women who are in good general health and would like to accentuate the shape of their chin. Candidates should be free of any conditions that affect their teeth or jaw function. In addition, you should have a positive attitude and realistic expectations for your surgery, eager to realize the wide-ranging benefits of chin augmentation. It is also essential that you are able to take the necessary time off from work to heal properly.


You will be under general anesthesia to provide you complete comfort during your Houston chin augmentation surgery.

Once you are comfortably under the effects of the anesthesia, your Houston plastic surgeon will create an incision, either inside the mouth or on the underside of the chin. Your surgeon will then place your implant directly over your chin bone, ensuring that it is in keeping with your desired results. Finally, your surgeon will suture the implant in its permanent position and close your incision. Once you are awake, you will be ready to begin your at-home recovery.


After the procedure, our Houston chin augmentation patients should plan to stay home from work and other social obligations for at least one week. During this time, you won’t feel comfortable out in public, because you will likely experience some pain, swelling and bruising – all of which will subside within seven to ten days.

Chin Augmentation, Houston TX

If your chin implant incision was placed inside the mouth, you’ll also need to adopt a temporary soft-food diet for a few days to give your gums a chance to heal. In addition, Dr. Sukkar may advise you to rinse with salt water after eating to prevent debris and bacteria from building up in the area. After the first week, you’ll need to return to Dr. Sukkar’s Houston office so he can remove your stitches, evaluate your progress, answer any questions you may have and provide you with personalized guidance regarding the rest of your recovery period. In general, you’ll be able to resume your normal daily routine within seven days, with a full return to more strenuous activities within three weeks.


Your chin augmentation results are permanent. Therefore, you won’t need to return annually, as you would for chin enhancement with fillers, or perform any other maintenance. Instead, you will simply be able to enjoy your results.


If you are ready to realize permanent improvements in the appearance of your chin, jawline, and facial harmony, please contact us to schedule your consultation for chin augmentation with one of our renowned plastic surgeons in Houston, Texas. We look forward to hearing from you!


How can I prepare for my surgery?

Two weeks before your chin augmentation, you should avoid any medications, supplements, or substances that may thin your blood, including NSAIDs. You may also pick up any medications your surgeon has prescribed so that they are available to you immediately after your procedure.

Does chin augmentation affect your smile?

Occasionally during the healing process, patients are concerned that their surgery has affected the appearance of their smile. However, when this does occur, it is due to swelling, and the patient’s smile returns to normal as soon as their recovery is complete.