Breast Implant Removal Houston, TX

Offered at our convenient location in Houston, TX

Breast Implant Removal

Breast implant surgery was a big decision, so the need or desire to remove your implants can be emotional to say the least. If you’re dealing with implant complications or have made a lifestyle decision to move away from silicone or saline breast implants, our Houston breast implant removal is the way to address these concerns. Having your implants removed by a skilled and compassionate surgeon can ensure you achieve your goals without further complications or difficulties.

Embark on a journey to restore your natural breast appearance and enhance your well-being with our Houston breast implant removal. Get relief from discomfort and boost self-confidence. At one point, breast implants had a place in your life. Now, possibly you’ve decided that it’s time to move on and reclaim your body.


Houston plastic surgeon, Dr. Sam Sukkar, one of the most experienced breast implant removal specialists in Houston, can offer a comprehensive, safe, and aesthetically conscious way to remove your implants and restore your breasts and body to as close to pre-implant look and feel as possible. At The Clinic for Plastic Surgery, patients enjoy the most compassionate care and the most optimal aesthetic results that the Houston area has to offer.

Breast implant removal or explant surgery is performed in order to remove a previously placed silicone or saline breast implant due to medical necessity or if patient preferences change. Both silicone and saline implants can be removed during this surgery, and often, the same incision that was used in the original surgery is used for explant. Patients may choose to undergo this procedure soon after their original breast augmentation, or it may be many years later.

Why Consider Breast Implant Removal?

There are several reasons why patients may need or want breast implant removal. Sometimes it’s due to physical problems or changes and in other cases they may be in a different place emotionally and decide their desire for implants has changed. Reasons for explant include:

  • Capsular contracture, implant rupture, or other rare implant complications
  • Address dissatisfaction with original choice of implant size, shape, or feel
  • Correct implant appearance that has changed too much due to breastfeeding, weight loss, or aging
  • Simply a sincere change of heart about wanting breast implants
  • Some patients experience symptoms they attribute to breast implant illness; an unofficial and non-specific term used to describe physical issues some women begin to experience after breast implant surgery

Ideal Candidate

Candidates for implant removal should be in generally good health, need to correct an implant issue, would like to reduce their breast size back to their natural size, and understand the likely realistic outcomes of this surgery. This surgery is to remove silicone or saline breast implants and is not for those who have had fat transfer breast augmentation. If you’d like to find out if you’d be a good candidate for breast implant removal Houston plastic surgeon, Dr. Sam Sukkar, can address that and any other questions you have during an initial consultation. Call us today!

Implant removal may be ideal for individuals experiencing physical or emotional discomfort due to their implants or those who have faced complications. However, eligibility for the procedure depends on several factors, such as your overall health, medical history, and specific concerns. Generally, good candidates for this procedure:

  • Have breast implants that are causing pain or discomfort
  • Have experienced complications, such as rupture, leakage, or capsular contracture
  • Wish to return to their natural breast size and shape
  • Are in overall good health and have realistic expectations about the outcome

Procedure Preparation

At your consultation for breast implant removal Houston breast surgeon, Dr. Sukkar, will thoroughly review any issues or worries and examine past medical records and desired results. He’ll also explain the process step-by-step, including the possible risks or benefits, so it is easy for both of you to make an informed decision. To prepare for the procedure, there are a few steps, such as lab tests which he might recommend. There are also certain supplements and medications that should be avoided since they could potentially increase bleeding risk during surgery.


Depending upon your particular requirements, Dr. Sukkar’s explant surgery procedure can last anywhere from one to three hours and is performed under general or local anesthesia with sedation for optimal comfort. Once the incisions are made, the implants will be removed, followed by careful examination for potential complications, before finally closing the site with sutures.


Dr. Sukkar will take the time to learn about your particular situation and reasons behind wanting breast implant removal. He will discuss different aspects of the surgery, like the possibility of scar tissue removal or loose skin post-surgery. If loose skin might be a concern for you, a breast lift could be performed at the same time as the explant. Dr. Sukkar and his team will ask you about your medical history and perform an examination to determine if this is the right procedure for you and lay out a comprehensive treatment plan.


Typically, this surgery is performed under general anesthesia and is done as an outpatient procedure. Dr. Sukkar will work to use the same incision from your original surgery and skillfully remove your implants as well as any scar tissue that needs to be taken as well. If a breast lift will be performed, excess skin will be removed and the breasts will be lifted and contoured. The procedure usually takes about one to three hours.

Results & Recovery

Your results should be visible immediately, but it may take two to three weeks for your skin and tissue to adjust and not appear deflated. Recovery time usually takes about three to four weeks, and you should be sure to follow all post-op instructions to ensure full healing. At about six weeks, any tenderness should be resolved and you can resume most normal activities. Your breasts may continue to adjust and settle as time goes on, for about six months or possibly longer.

Why Choose Dr Sukkar

Dr. Sukkar stands out from his competition with personalized care and cutting-edge techniques that ensure unbeatable results and patient satisfaction. Numerous awards, accolades, and positive media coverage are proof points highlighting his commitment to being at the pinnacle of plastic surgery excellence. With Dr. Sukkar’s pristine attention to detail and reputation as one of the nation’s top plastic surgeons, you will be in excellent hands.


Make the decision yours and call us today at (281) 940-1535 or request a consultation online.


Are there risks associated with Breast Implant Removal?

As with any surgical procedure there are minor risks of bleeding or infection. Rare risks after breast implant removal could include asymmetry, seroma in the removed implant space, or scarring.

Should I arrange for someone to drive me home after Breast Implant Removal?

Yes, in most cases, breast explant surgery is performed on an outpatient basis under either general anesthesia or sedation, so you will need someone to drive you home. It’s also best to have some help for about 24 hours as you recover from being sedated.

What is the usual recovery period following Breast Implant Removal?

Recovery and activity restriction typically lasts about two weeks after this procedure. Some patients experience tenderness in the area for as long as four to six weeks.

What can I expect in terms of scarring from Breast Implant Removal?

In as many cases as possible, the goal is to use the same incision site that was used for your original implant surgery to prevent additional scarring, although this may not always be possible.

Do I need to change how I sleep following Breast Implant Removal?

It’s very important after breast explant surgery to prevent excessive pressure on the breast area, so the typical recommendation is sleeping on your back with your upper body slightly elevated for two to three months.

Is it safe to receive Breast Implant Removal if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

This procedure is not recommended or safe to undergo during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Can breast surgery procedures like Breast Implant Removal affect nipple sensitivity?

In some patients, there can be minor changes to nipple sensitivity, but they are very rarely long-lasting and typically resolve within a few months.

What is the cost of Breast Implant Removal?

Many factors go into determining the cost of breast implant removal surgery including the complexity of the removal itself along with whether any additional procedures such as breast lift will be performed.