Breast Asymmetry Correction Houston, TX

Offered at our convenient location in Houston, TX

Say goodbye to feeling self-conscious about your asymmetrical breasts! With our Houston asymmetrical breast correction surgery, our team can help you achieve the beautiful and balanced breasts you’ve always wanted. You’ll notice a significant improvement in your breast shape and size, giving you the confidence to easily rock any outfit.

Dr. Sam Sukkar, a double board-certified plastic surgeon in Houston, TX, has helped countless patients achieve their aesthetic goals with breast asymmetry treatments. From the state-of-the-art facilities of his practice – The Clinic for Plastic Surgery – he offers personalized services tailored to meet each patient’s individual needs.


Breast asymmetry refers to the condition where one breast appears to be a different size, shape, or position than the other breast. In most cases, breast asymmetry is a natural and harmless variation, affecting more than half of all women. Some treatment options for asymmetric breasts are breast implantsfat transferbreast reduction, and breast lift.

Correction Options

Here are a few options that Dr. Sukkar may discuss with you.

Breast Implants

Breast augmentation using saline or silicone breast implants can change the shape, size and projection of one or both breasts. Your surgeon may select two implants of differing sizes if you have notable asymmetry.

Fat Transfer

Transferring fat to the breasts is possible with fat injections. The fat comes from you, so it is a completely natural alternative to breast implants.

Breast Reduction

Women with one breast that is bigger than the other may opt for unilateral or bilateral reduction mammoplasty, which entails removing excess tissue of one or both breasts so they become smaller.

Breast Lift

If one breast sags while the other hasn’t, a breast lift can correct the issue and restore perkiness, especially after breastfeeding or weight loss.


Correcting asymmetrical breasts can improve a woman’s overall quality of life in several ways. Some of the benefits of this treatment include:

  • Improved self-confidence and self-esteem
  • A more balanced and proportionate appearance
  • Relief from physical discomfort or pain
  • Better fitting clothing and improved ability to find bras that fit properly
  • Increased comfort during physical activity
  • Improved body image and sexual satisfaction

Ideal Candidate

To be an ideal candidate for asymmetrical breast correction, you should be in good overall health and have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure. You may be a good candidate if you have:

  • Breasts of different sizes or shapes
  • Nipple or areola asymmetry
  • Sagging or drooping breasts
  • Uneven cleavage
  • Difficulty finding properly fitting clothing or bras
  • Physical discomfort or pain associated with uneven breasts


Breast Asymmetry Correction Houston TX

During your consultation for breast asymmetry correction Houston plastic surgeon, Dr. Sam Sukkar, will evaluate your health and breasts to determine if you’re a good candidate for the procedure. We may also photograph and measure your breasts to help plan the surgery. It’s important to follow all pre-operative instructions carefully to ensure the best possible outcome.

Customizable Surgery

Dr. Sukkar takes extra time planning each operation, ensuring your surgical plan reflects your unique needs. He bases his personalized recommendations on years of clinical research and knowledge of anatomy. Your TCPS surgeon will let you know how they plan to accomplish your goals surgically. For example, if you are considering breast implants, they will explain how implant sizes are measured and how different types, such as silicone and saline, may impact your final results.

Combining Breast Surgeries

Your TCPS surgeon may suggest combined options if you have asymmetric breasts and issues such as sagging skin (ptosis). One possible combination is breast augmentation and breast lift surgery. Breast fat injections can also complement the results of other breast reshaping surgeries.

Surgery Expectations

Asymmetrical breast correction surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation, depending on the patient’s preference and the extent of the procedure.

The length of the surgery may vary depending on the techniques used and the complexity of the case, but it typically takes around 1-3 hours to complete. Our team will provide detailed information about what to expect during the procedure and how to prepare for a smooth recovery.


Breast Asymmetry Correction Houston TX

Asymmetrical breast correction surgery can provide noticeable results immediately after the procedure, although final results may not be visible until several weeks after. During recovery, patients should expect some downtime and avoid strenuous activities for a few weeks. We will provide instructions on incision care and managing discomfort. Follow-up appointments will monitor your progress.

Patient Satisfaction

Patient satisfaction is our top priority at The Clinic for Plastic Surgery. Our team of experienced and highly trained professionals is committed to providing individualized care tailored to each patient’s unique needs. We use the latest technology and techniques in all procedures while adhering to the highest safety standards.


If you’re interested in learning more about asymmetrical breast correction and finding out if you are a good candidate, don’t hesitate to contact us. To schedule your consultation with Houston plastic surgeon Dr. Sam Sukkar, call (281) 940-1535.


What are the risks associated with breast surgery?

Risks associated with breast surgery are similar to any other surgical procedure, including bleeding, infection, and reaction to anesthesia.

Will there be considerable scarring following my asymmetrical breast treatment?

Scarring is a common side effect of all types of surgery, but our team takes special care to minimize the visibility of the incisions

Is asymmetrical breast correction permanent?

The results of asymmetrical breast correction are typically permanent, although the effects may be affected by age, weight gain or loss, pregnancy, and other factors. It’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and follow up with Dr. Sukkar regularly to ensure the best long-term results.

How much does Breast Asymmetry Treatment cost?

The cost of breast asymmetry correction will vary on your specific procedure and if you combine breast surgeries. Another factor is which implants you choose for breast augmentation as part of the procedure, such as silicone, saline, form stable/gummy bear, smooth, textured, teardrop, or round implants.

Will breast surgery affect my nipple sensitivity?

Breast surgery can potentially affect nipple sensitivity, although the extent of any changes varies among individuals. Some patients may experience temporary alterations in nipple sensation after surgery, while in very rare cases, these changes may be permanent.

Will breast surgery increase my risk of breast cancer or other complications?

Breast surgery itself does not increase the risk of breast cancer. However, it’s crucial to undergo routine breast cancer screenings as recommended by your healthcare provider.