Thigh Lift Houston, TX

Offered at our convenient location in Houston, TX

Thigh Lift Houston, TX

Excess fat and lax skin can cause your thighs to appear flabby and less youthful. Decreased metabolism and collagen production due to aging can cause fat to accumulate and skin to become loose in various areas of the body, including the thighs. When this happens, it may make you feel less confident wearing shorts, leggings, or swimsuits. The highly reputable board-certified Houston plastic surgeons at The Clinic for Plastic Surgery want to help you realize slimmer, firmer thighs so you can wear whatever you choose with comfort and confidence. Thigh lift surgery is a fast and effective solution to excess thigh tissue, with the ability to significantly enhance your life.

Before and After Photos

If you want tight and youthful thighs – but your current legs are flabby and bulky – a thigh lift may be just the procedure you need. Not only can this surgery eliminate unwanted fat, but it can also tighten loose skin and improve the look of cellulite, so you can wear shorts and go to the beach with confidence.

Ideal Candidate

The thighs are notoriously difficult to tone – especially when they possess stubborn pockets of unwanted fat that refuse to budge, no matter how many squats and lunges you perform. When this occurs, a thigh lift with Dr. Sukkar can tighten and slenderize this common problem area, giving you sculpted legs you can’t wait to show off.

To be considered an ideal candidate for this procedure, you should be at a stable weight, because losing and gaining weight will impact your results. You should also be committed to a healthy diet and exercise plan, as these lifestyle choices will ensure that you’re able to maintain your new look in the long-term. As long as you meet these requirements, there’s a very good chance that a thigh lift with Houston plastic surgeon Dr. Sam Sukkar can give you the sculpted and defined legs you’ve always wanted.

Procedure Overview

Your thigh lift will be performed under general anesthesia, which means you’ll be completely asleep and unable to feel a thing.

Thigh Lift Houston, TX

To begin, Dr. Sukkar will sculpt your inner thighs first, creating a precise incision hidden in the groin. Through that opening, he will remove excess fat and tissue from the area and pull your skin taut. From there, he’ll make an incision at the very top of your leg to gain access to the outer thigh area.

He’ll then remove sagging skin and unwanted volume, before pulling the skin tight to restore a more youthful and attractive contour. Once your inner and outer thighs have been expertly sculpted with a thigh lift Houston plastic surgeon Dr. Sukkar will close all incisions, apply bandages and place drains to prevent blood and fluid from building up in the area. Once you awaken from the anesthesia, you will be sent home to begin the healing process.


You will receive general anesthesia for your thigh lift to ensure your complete comfort throughout your procedure. Your surgeon will begin your thigh lift by creating a discretely located incision on the inside of your leg in the groin. They will use that access point to remove excess fat and tissue from the inside of your thigh. Your surgeon will then pull your skin tight and move to the outer thigh. For your outer thigh, your surgeon will make an incision at the top of your leg, near your hip, to remove excess tissues from the outside of your upper leg. Lastly, they will pull your skin taut and close all of the incisions. Your surgeon will apply dressings as well as place drains to prevent excess fluids from accumulating beneath the skin. As soon as you wake up from anesthesia, your surgeon will send you home to begin your recovery.


After your Houston thigh lift, you should plan to stay home from work for at least two to three weeks as your body heals. Throughout the first week, your movement will be severely limited, and as such you should have a friend or family member stay with you to help care for your children, prepare meals and perform your routine daily tasks.

Thigh Lift Houston, TX

During this initial recovery period, you can expect to experience some swelling and bruising, which can be alleviated by applying ice regularly to the treatment area. While you should avoid strenuous activity, it’s important to take short and easy walks around the house as soon as possible to promote healing. You’ll also be given a special compression garment to hold your new thighs in place and ensure an optimal result. One week after surgery, you will return to Dr. Sukkar’s Houston office so he can examine your thighs, review your progress and answer any questions you may have. If your incisions are healing properly, he will also remove your drains and sutures. Within two to three weeks, you will be able to resume light activities, however you’ll need to continue wearing your compression garment for at least one month.


If you’re ready to learn more about a thigh lift, we invite you to schedule a consultation at The Clinic for Plastic Surgery today. During your private meeting in our Clear Lake office, we will carefully assess the cosmetic imperfections you’d most like to address, before creating a custom treatment plan designed to sculpt the exquisite appearance you deserve.


Will the fat in my thighs return after my surgery?

The fat reduction included in your thigh lift will be permanent. However, significant weight change anytime after your procedure will not prevent the remaining fat cells from swelling or shrinking along with the other fat cells in your body. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle is an integral part of maintaining your results.

Will I be able to sit after my thigh lift?

It is highly recommended that you limit your movement as much as possible during the first week of your recovery to prevent from stressing your incisions and impacting your results. In addition, you will likely be much more comfortable lying down during this period.